Chocolate Chunk Pumpkin Banana Bars
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Chocolate Chunk Pumpkin Banana Bars

Is it okay if I share a couple more pumpkin recipes with you this season? Honestly, there have been sooo many good pumpkin recipes floating around it’s hard to know where to start. And things have gotten pretty pumpkin craazzayy around here this Fall. I mean, I’ve been putting pumpkin in almost everything we eat….

Hearty Vegetarian Bolognese
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Hearty Vegetarian Bolognese

The other day I sat beside a cheerful, chatty 11 year old on the train who spoke four languages – four. We conversed in French on the train (his third language) and he couldn’t get over the fact that A) I just spoke two languages and that B) my family just speaks English. He seriously couldn’t get over how…

Crisp Fall Hikes & November Goals #MoveitMondays
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Crisp Fall Hikes & November Goals #MoveitMondays

It is 51 days until Christmas. And 46 days until I go home to Canada for the holidays. BAHH!! I can believe Halloween is over and that I already feel like rejoicing, setting up my Christmas tree, getting my Christmas baking on and getting out my Michael Bublé Christmas album. Too soon? How was your Halloween by…

Fudgey Pumpkin Flourless Black Bean Brownies {Vegan and Gluten Free}
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Fudgey Pumpkin Flourless Black Bean Brownies {Vegan and Gluten Free}

My love for all things sweet and chocolate is no secret. I never say no to dessert and always look forward to the last and *best* course. And that’s probably why most of the recipes of #CearasKitchen are sweet eats. I love dessert and am all for indulging in decadent and rich desserts once in…

Enjoying Every Bite & Sip without the Guilt #WIAW
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Enjoying Every Bite & Sip without the Guilt #WIAW

It doesn’t take long to know that I looooooooove to enjoy food. Good Food. Basically, all food. 😉 But it seems that everywhere I look we are told we shouldn’t enjoy what we eat or at-least attach some sort of guilt to what we are putting on our plate. And I lived like this for most…

5+ Tips to Hit the Ground Running #MoveitMondays
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5+ Tips to Hit the Ground Running #MoveitMondays

As many of you know I am not a pro-runner or pro-athelete by any means.  Let’s be honest, when I was a kid, I usually was the last one chosen in gym class and up until a few years ago the idea of me running seemed like a totally unreachable and unreasonable goal. When people talked about “running”…

Flourless Pumpkin Oat Blender Pancakes {Gluten Free, Refined Sugar Free, Vegan}
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Flourless Pumpkin Oat Blender Pancakes {Gluten Free, Refined Sugar Free, Vegan}

I’ve been enjoying these Flourless Pumpkin Oat Blender Pancakes every Sunday for the past few weeks. J and I like to go for a long run together Sunday morning. And by together I mean we start at the same pace and after a couple minutes he is way ahead of me until he becomes a…

Enjoying Life One Eat and Run at a Time #MoveitMondays
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Enjoying Life One Eat and Run at a Time #MoveitMondays

This weekend was one of those weekends that was just great. A belated Belgian-Canadian Thanksgiving, good food, family, and an awesome 10k family race on on Sunday morning followed by post-run pasta and a movie night with J that involved popcorn smothered in dark chocolate, pecans and a pinch of pink himalayan sea salt (#yesplease)….

Life Changing Roasted Tomato and Red Pepper Hummus & Ceara’s Kitchen 1 Year Anniversary
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Life Changing Roasted Tomato and Red Pepper Hummus & Ceara’s Kitchen 1 Year Anniversary

This week I celebrate the one year anniversary of Ceara’s Kitchen! And can we just take a moment to celebrate with this Life Changing Roasted Tomato and Red Pepper Hummus? I know it’s not seasonal guys, but I’m seriously ahhh-dicccted and I’ve been eating this hummus straight from the fridge with a spoon (#sorrynotsorry). This…

Healthy Pumpkin Bread with Maple Pecan Crumble
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Healthy Pumpkin Bread with Maple Pecan Crumble

Things I learned since moving to Belgium: They do not sell canned pumpkin puree here. Chia seeds and a lot of other superrr foods are only sold in special shops. And everything in those special ships is wayyyy overpriced. I mean, who can afford 8 euros for a tiny bag of chia seeds that will last me less than…

Coming Back to my Yoga Practice #TryAgainTuesdays
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Coming Back to my Yoga Practice #TryAgainTuesdays

If you know me in any shape or form in real life you know that I am pretty clumsy, a bit uncoordinated and have fallen, on more than one occasion, flat on my face while walking down the street (without wearing high heels #truestory). So as you can imagine, my first time doing yoga was pretty comedic…

Fall Link Love

Fall Link Love

I am so happy the chilly weather has finally settled in here (you know you are Canadian when). Now I can clearly justify eating all the comforting soup, pumpkin muffins and pulling out my cute Fall boots without any problems. Here are some random things, recipes, tidbits, Fall yummies and links I am loving lately from around the…

Grain Free Double Chocolate Cookies {Chocolate Almond Meal Cookies}
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Grain Free Double Chocolate Cookies {Chocolate Almond Meal Cookies}

There is something about baking that is so therapeutic. I love creating new desserts in the kitchen, measuring out the ingredients, tasting the homemade dough along the way (always), adding a bit more or this or that and waiting anxiously for the final dessert to pop out of the oven while my entire apartment is…

Taking a second to love ourselves. #MoveitMondays
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Taking a second to love ourselves. #MoveitMondays

I’m comfortable in my own skin. Most days. Some days are better than others and with some blips on the way, I am moving towards loving my body as it is, right now. Loving ourselves the way we are, in our own skin – period. Summer 2010, Toronto This can be a difficult, an almost…

“I can’t believe it’s not peanut butter”: Peanut Free Peanut Butter
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“I can’t believe it’s not peanut butter”: Peanut Free Peanut Butter

Peanut Butter was sacred when we were kids. It was never allowed in the house. So the moment we would visit grandma’s we would politely ask for a warm, melty peanut butter sandwich for lunch – or quite frankly for any meal/snack of the day. It was only a plus if it was spread on a…

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